A directory of district employees. For a spreadsheet of all Peralta employees, go to here
Adusumalli, Chiranjeevi | Sr Appl Software Prog/Analyst
cadusumalli@peralta.edu |Ali, Faiza | Visual & Digital Media Special
fali@peralta.edu |Alvarado, Nestor | Groundsworker-Gardener
nalvarado@peralta.edu |Amiri, Shaghayegh | Asst To The Chancellor
samiri@peralta.edu |Antonio, Teri | Director of Payroll Services
tantonio@peralta.edu | 510/466-7248Aranda, Benancio | Asst Chief Stationary Engineer
baranda@peralta.edu |Au, Chithanh | SR NETWORK & SYS ADMIN
chiau@peralta.edu | 510/587-7858Bakre, Fareha | Prin Budget Finance Analyst
fbakre@peralta.edu |Ballard, Damon | Custodian
DBALLARD@peralta.edu |Barrera Zamora, Francisco | Groundsworker-Gardener
FBZAMORA@peralta.edu |Barton, Patricia | Sr. Human Resources Analyst (C
pbarton@peralta.edu |Becerril, Carla | Sr Clerical Assistant
cbecerril@peralta.edu | 510/464-3575Berry, Shanova | Exec Asst/General Services (C)
sberry@peralta.edu |Brewer, Abigail | SR NETWORK & SYS ADMIN
abrewer@peralta.edu | 510/466-7335Bridges, Felicia | Program Specialist Radio
fbridges@peralta.edu |Brown, Gerald | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
gbrown@peralta.edu |Brown-Willis, Joyce | Systems Analyst(Stdt/Fin Apps)
jwillis@peralta.edu |Bryant, Cathy | Child Care Specialist
cbryant@peralta.edu |Burdick, Carrie | Coordinator/Risk Management
cburdick@peralta.edu | 510/466-7240Busby, Jason | Asst Chief Stationary Engineer
jbusby@peralta.edu |Butler, Luther | Stationary Engineer
lbutler@peralta.edu |Carter, Brandi | Cord Contract and Legal Affair
bhoward@peralta.edu | 510/587-7876Chan, Ryan | Child Care Specialist
rchan@peralta.edu |Chan, Steven | Sr Appl Software Prog/Analyst
stevenchan@peralta.edu |Chandra, Marshniel | Human Resources Analyst (C)
mchandra@peralta.edu |Chin, Kenneth | Utility Engineer
kchin@peralta.edu |Cortez, Silvia | Adm & Rcds Sys Technol Analyst
scortez@peralta.edu |Creel, Marcus | Graphic Design Specialist
mcreel@peralta.edu |Custodio, Nicanor | Sr. Buyer/Cap Projects-Bonds
ncustodio@peralta.edu |Davaasuren, Diana | Sr System Analyst Pay/Std/Fin
ddavaasuren@peralta.edu |David, Karla Trina | Project Manager
kdavid@peralta.edu |Day, Carol | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l
carolday@peralta.edu |de Leon, Violeta | Staff Asst/Admin (General)
ddleon@peralta.edu | 510/587-7856Defranco, Celine | Human Resources Generalist
cdefranco@peralta.edu |Dickerson, TaNeesha | Benefits Specialist (C)
tdickerson@peralta.edu |Dieckman, Annie | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
ddieckman@peralta.edu |Dixon, Neshawn | Staff Asst/Vice Chanc, Ed Svcs
nhayes@peralta.edu |Du, Tina | Accounts Payable Specialist I
tdu@peralta.edu |Dulaney, Rachel | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
rdulaney@peralta.edu |Duong, Dung | Child Care Assistant II
dduong@peralta.edu |ElMasry, Amany | Curric & Systems Tech Analyst
aemasry@peralta.edu |Epps, Andrea | Vice Chancellor For Human Reso
aepps@peralta.edu |Evangelista, Karen | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
kevangelista@peralta.edu |Fajarda, Roderick | Sr Appl Software Prog/Analyst
rfajarda@peralta.edu | 510/587-7863Ferreira, Richard | Exec Asst/Finance & Accounting
rferreira@peralta.edu |Fitzgerald, Diana | Staff Asst/Admin (General)
dfitzgerald@peralta.edu | 510/466-7267Flores, Isaias | Groundsworker-Gardener
iflores@peralta.edu |Flores, David | Human Resources Generalist
dflores@peralta.edu |Freeman, Johnathan | Web Content Developer
johnathanfreeman@peralta.edu |Gao, Huoxian | Child Care Assistant II
HGAO@peralta.edu |Gilani, Kyana | International Student Support
kgilani@peralta.edu |Gilkerson, Tammeil | Chancellor
tgilkerson@peralta.edu | 510/466-7322Goldstein, Matthew | Faculty/Academic Senate
mgoldstein@peralta.edu |Gonzales, Fernando | Utility Engineer
fgonzales@peralta.edu |Gonzalez, Andre | Groundsworker-Gardener
andregonzalez@peralta.edu |Gonzalez, Ann | Manager of Special Projects
Ann.Gonzalez@peralta.edu | 510/466-7245Green, Robin | Child Care Assistant II
rgreen@peralta.edu |Greenspan, Richard | Faculty Release/Negotiator
rgreenspan@peralta.edu | 510/748-2309Gregory, Ryan | International Student Support
RGREGORY@peralta.edu | 510/748-5290Griffin, Terry | Warehouse Worker-Driver (B)
tgriffin@peralta.edu |Guessoum, Hayat | Project Manager/IT Budget
hguessoum@peralta.edu | 510/578-7849Harbour, Aaron | Web Content Developer
aharbour@peralta.edu |Harrell, Erica | District Child Care Prog Coord
eharrell@peralta.edu | 510/436-2435Haynes, David | Groundsworker-Gardener
dhaynes@peralta.edu |Henry, Tachetta | Executive Asst/Chancellor's Of
tachettahenry@peralta.edu | 510/466-7322Herrera, Francisco | Assoc VC for Planning & IR
fherrera@peralta.edu |Hiebert, John | Buyer/Contract Specialist
jhiebert@peralta.edu | 510/466-7217Hoff, Bc | Dir of Facilities and Operatns
BHOFF@peralta.edu |Hu, Yang | Sr Research & Planning Analyst
yhu@peralta.edu |Hui, Kit | SR NETWORK & SYS ADMIN
khui@peralta.edu | 510/466-7319Hunter, Angel | Video Production Specialist
achunter@peralta.edu | 510/466-5342Javier, Annie | Facilities Project Coord
ajavier@peralta.edu |Jian, Zhao | District Accounting Tech
zjian@peralta.edu |Jiang, Anna | Sr Capital Projects Specialist
ajiang@peralta.edu | 510/466-7347Jirde, Hoda | Staff Assistant/Student Financ
HJIRDE@peralta.edu |Johnson, Shemila | Executive Director (NAAEC)
srjohnson@peralta.edu |Johnson, Mark | Exec Dir Pub Info, Comm & Medi
markjohnson@peralta.edu |Kanzell, Hannah | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
hkanzell@peralta.edu |Kaplan, Adina | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
akaplan@peralta.edu |Kendrix, Jay | Asst Warehouse Supervisor
jaykendrix@peralta.edu | 510/466-7361Knox, Samuel | Utility Engineer
skknox@peralta.edu |Koo, Constance | Staff Asst/Admin (Grants)
ckoo@peralta.edu |Ku, Helen | Sr Research & Planning Analyst
hku@peralta.edu |Lam, Judy | Principal Accounting Technicia
jlam@peralta.edu | 510/466-7258Lambert, Mary | Intr - Hear Imp Prt Cert IC Or
mlambert@peralta.edu |Lampkin, Rodney | Chief Stationary Engineer
RLAMPKIN@peralta.edu |Lancaster, Stacy | Facilities Project Coord
slancaster@peralta.edu |Lara, Phoenix | Benefits Manager
phoenixlara@peralta.edu |Lee, Michelle | Program Specialist/PCTV
mlee@peralta.edu | 510/466-5355Lenh, Michelle | Payroll Manager
mlenh@peralta.edu | 510/466-7352Leon-Maurice, Laura | Exec. Asst., Vice Chan. Office
lmaurice@peralta.edu | 510/466-7329Lewis, Lenice | Child Care Specialist
ldlewis@peralta.edu |Lewis-Reed, Myisha | Sr. Buyer/Cap Projects-Bonds
myishalewis@peralta.edu |Lim, MoMo | Internal Auditor
mlim@peralta.edu |Lira, Albert | Director of Financial Aid
ALIRA@peralta.edu |Lontoc, Arlene | Exec Asst/Employee Relatio (C)
alontoc@peralta.edu | 510/466-7265Lopez, Javier | Stationary Engineer
jlopez@peralta.edu | 510/981-2969Love, Dominique | Payroll Specialist
dolove@peralta.edu | 510/466-7270Mai, Henry | Financial Aid Systems Tech Ana
hmai@peralta.edu |Maldonado Diaz, Cesar | Utility Engineer
cdiaz@peralta.edu |Manrique, Sabrina | Staff Asst/Academic Affairs
smanrique@peralta.edu |Marshall, Amy | Assoc Dir of Public Safety
amarshall@peralta.edu |Martinez, Shawnee | Warehouse Supervisor
sjmartinez@peralta.edu | 510/466-7334Matchette, Anthony | Sr Clerical Assistant
amatchette@peralta.edu | 510/466-7290Mehouelley, Antoine | Chief Adm Off, Tech & Info Sys
amehouelley@peralta.edu | 510/587-7871Mendoza, Ofelia | District Accounting Tech
omendoza@peralta.edu | 510/466-7250Mendoza, Herzie | DISTRICT SENIOR ACCOUNTANT
hmendoza@peralta.edu | 510/587-7887Moore, Michael | Sr Duplicating & Supp Svcs Tec
mtmoore@peralta.edu | 510/466-7396Musse, Foziya | Prin Budget Finance Analyst
fmusse@peralta.edu |Nelson, Greg | Deputy Chancellor & COO
gnelson@peralta.edu |Nguyen, Vanson | Faculty Diversity Officer
vansonnguyen@peralta.edu |Nguyen, Thien | Child Care Assistant II
tnguyen@peralta.edu |Nnanna, Vitus | Stationary Engineer
vnnanna@peralta.edu |Nzomo, Seraphine | Sr. Buyer/Cap Projects-Bonds
snzomo@peralta.edu |Olkowski, Jonny O | SR NETWORK & SYS ADMIN
jolkowski@peralta.edu | 510/599-1345Omer, Amina | Accounts Payable Specialist I
aomer@peralta.edu |Orellana, Luis | Warehouse Worker-Driver (B)
lorellana@peralta.edu |Palafox, Elizabeth | Human Resources Analyst (C)
epalafox@peralta.edu |Park, Daniel | Infosec Program Coordinator/Ne
dpark@peralta.edu | 510/587-7850Parra, Michael | Stationary Engineer
mparra@peralta.edu |Perry, Angela | Human Resources Generalist
aperry@peralta.edu |Potterveld, Tara | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l
tpotterveld@peralta.edu |Rivas, Isidoro | Lead Groundsworker-Gardener
irivas@peralta.edu |Roberts-McCain, Ronnie | Benefits Specialist (C)
rroberts@peralta.edu | 510/466-7229Rodriguez, Allie | Sr HR Analyst II (Leaves/Ben)
alejandrarodriguez@peralta.edu |Rogers, Chalon | Director of Purchasing Svcs
cagreen@peralta.edu | 510/466-7339Rojas De Flores, Maria | Custodian
mflores@peralta.edu |Romero, Carlos | Grounds Supervisor
caromero@peralta.edu |Sanceri, Jeffery | Faculty Release/Negotiator
jsanceri@peralta.edu |Sanchez, Norma | Intr For The Hear Imp III
nsanchez@peralta.edu |Sattergren, Suzanne | Mast Interpreter, CSC + Add'l
ssattergren@peralta.edu |Scott-Wilson, Kourtnee | Payroll Specialist
kscottwilson@peralta.edu | 510/587-7808Shanoski, Jennifer | Faculty Release/Negotiator
jshanoski@peralta.edu | 510/436-2620Shea, Rebecca | Intr For The Hear Imp III
rebeccashea@peralta.edu |Shere, Nicholas | Accounts Payable Specialist II
nshere@peralta.edu | 510/466-7241Shima, Todd | Counselor, Part-Time
tshima@peralta.edu |Silveira-Guerra, Maryanis | Payroll Specialist
msilveira@peralta.edu |Smith, Annmarie | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
annsmith@peralta.edu |Smith, Charlotte | District Admissions Officer
csmith@peralta.edu | 510/466-7370Smith, Felix | Apprentice Engineer
felixsmith@peralta.edu |Spivey, Natasha | Dir Of Human Resources
nspivey@peralta.edu | 510/466-7291Stokes, Andrea | Senior Financial Analyst - CO
astokes@peralta.edu | 510/587-7879Sullivan, Joseph | TV Broadcast Coordinator
jsullivan@peralta.edu |Taylor, Dominique | Coordinator/Admissions&Records
dtaylor@peralta.edu |Taylor, Tami | Prin Budget Finance Analyst
tamitaylor@peralta.edu | 510/466-7289Teer, Jamille | Facilities Project Coord
jteer@peralta.edu | 510/466-7342Thigpen, Krista | Intr - Hear Imp Fully Cert: Cs
kthigpen@peralta.edu |Thoele, Richard | Sr Admissions & Records Clerk
rthoele@peralta.edu |Thompson, Audrey | Capital Projects Specialist
apthompson@peralta.edu | 510/466-7287Torres-Gil, Thomas | Dir, Intn'l Svcs & Studt Supt
ttorresgil@peralta.edu |Tucker, Leonora | Sr Clerical Assist, Typing (Co
ltucker@peralta.edu |Tumu, Srujana | Senior Web Technology Analyst
stumu@peralta.edu | 510/466-7272Valladares, Pedro | Groundsworker-Gardener
pvalladares@peralta.edu |Vasconcellos, Tina | Vice Chancellor Ed Svcs
tvasconcellos@peralta.edu |Vazquez, Cecilia | Television Production Technici
cvazquez@peralta.edu |Vezina, Holly | District Interpreting Svcs Coo
hvezina@peralta.edu |Vigo, Dave | Budget Director
davevigo@peralta.edu | 510/466-7253Voong, Max | Help Desk Support Tech II
mvoong@peralta.edu | 510/587-7800Vu, Loc | CalWorks Counselor/Full-time
lvu@peralta.edu |Watson, Terry | Help Desk Spt Tech I (Trainee)
twatson@peralta.edu | 510/587-7891Williams-Powell, Marla | Assoc Vice Chanc for Finance
mwpowell@peralta.edu |Yang, Bao | Research Data Specialist
byang@peralta.edu |Yilmaz, Bendi | Video Production Specialist
byilmaz@peralta.edu |Yu, Annie | International Student Support
ANNIEYU@peralta.edu |Yussuf, Sulekha | District Student Support Servi
syussuf@peralta.edu |Zedd, Dante | Head Custodian
dzedd@peralta.edu |Zhen, Hongqin | Child Care Assistant II
hzhen@peralta.edu |333 East Eighth Street
Oakland, CA 94606
(510) 466-7200
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