
CVC-OEI: California Virtual Campus/Online Education Initiative

What is the Online Education Initiative?

“The Online Education Initiative (OEI) is a collaborative effort among California Community Colleges (CCCs) to ensure that significantly more students are able to complete their educational goals by increasing both access to and success in high-quality online courses” (

Why is this connection important?

111 of California’s Community Colleges have adopted or are in the process of adopting Canvas. The OEI provides students with opportunities to complete academic goals through its Course Exchange (in Canvas) and supports each campus with tools and resources related to Canvas, course design and more.

How do you learn more about OEI and Canvas?

Watch the video below and then select the links to find additional information about OEI, Canvas and more.


CVC-OEI Pathways grant at Peralta

What is the CVC-OEI Online CTE Pathways grant at Peralta?

In 2019 the  provided competitive grants to California Community Colleges (CCC) and districts to develop online programs and courses that supported either of the following:

  • Lead to short-term, industry-valued certificates or credentials, or programs.
  • Enable a student in a pathway developed by the California Online Community College to continue his or her education in a career pathway offered by an existing community college.

The Peralta Online Equity Initiative applied for and received a grant to support integration of the equity rubric and training into online Career and Technical Education courses throughout the district. The grant also funded the first research on outcomes related to redesigning courses with the online equity rubric. The final grant report is linked below.

Why did the district apply for a Pathways grant?

The overall goal of the Peralta CTE Online Equity Initiative is to improve educational equity and outcomes for online CTE students, both at Peralta and at other California community colleges (CCCs). To that end, the Peralta Pathways project had three objectives:

  • Objective 1: Redesign the Peralta Online Equity Training (OET) with a CTE focus and make available for statewide use.
  • Objective 2: Incorporate equity principles into online CTE courses at the Peralta Colleges.
  • Objective 3: Extend the impact of the Peralta Online Equity Rubric and Online Equity Training (OET) to 300+ CCC CTE instructors within the Peralta Colleges and statewide through offering a variety of training and workshops.

The Peralta Pathways grant project accomplished all three objectives, and in some cases exceeded them (also see Peralta’s final grant report below). Some grant funds were used to increase the number of equity trainers. In turn, this increased the team’s diversity and led to even stronger versions of the rubric and training.

How do you learn more about the Peralta Online CTE Pathways grant?

Below, you may either download Peralta’s final grant report or directly review it in your browser.

If you have comments or questions about Peralta’s Pathways project, contact

Below, please find links to related resources: 1) Peralta’s final grant report, including results of research about the impact of redesigning courses with the equity rubric on student retention, success and grade distribution; and 2) a brief .

CVC-OEI Pathways grant website